Welcome to the Wolfgramm Family Site

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Genealogy Are We Doing It?

We all know that grandpa and grandma's passion was genealogy and temple work. What better tribute could we give them and our ancestors than to do our genealogy. So with this in mind our wonderful Aunty Malina has asked each of us to write down our genealogy, birth dates etc. so that she can compile a revised family genealogy book for our family, there have been a few new additions to the family since grandma has passed on. She asked for each of us to do our families individually then our parents and their parents names and any other names of our grandparents on both sides if possible. If you would like to compile them and then maybe email them to Esca it would be very helpful not only for the family genealogy book but for your own families and children to know who their ancestors are. This is a great goal and challenge for each of us to try to accomplish! I hope everyone is doing well and I also hope to hear from those who are contributors or even the family who might be reading this.

**If you still don't know how to leave a comment, click on "comments" just below this post and a new window will open for comments. You don't have to have an account to leave a comment, just leave us your name so we know who you are. Thanks and sorry for a huge delay in posting. Remember to get started on food storage, little by little, if you haven't already done so with the way the economy is we would be foolish not to do something. Tila and Tony are great at this and can offer some great tips.
Have a wonderful week!**

Ofa Atu!